Blogging etiquette. Does it exist? Today, I've been pondering this quite deeply. For example, Jonathan's last post... I sat down with him to talk about it. I was frustrated - after all, this blog is a common property resource: its success and failure depends on the individual efforts of two individuals, he and me. Is it "free-riding" when one of those individuals doesn't post for days and when they do, it's two lines long and largely cryptic? That is, is it blogging etiquette to only post things that are interesting, funny, enlightening, or at least display a threshold amount of effort? I would hesitate to say yes, fearing that this might lead to some blog-fascism. Plus, what's funny to one, is often vulgar to another (Family Guy is case in point. Gigadee-gigadee.).
Question two - my brother-in-law (so weird, saying that!) I noticed, posted twice today. He said he couldn't help it - it was after all, a really exciting day. The pumpkin drop needed to be shared with the rest of the world. Here I find that we've done the very same thing: posted twice in a 24-hour period. Is that okay? Is that too excessive? Will be scare away our readers? More importantly, is it healthy? Will my social skills suffer? Will I start mumbling on buses and break into public song and dance every time I find myself carrying an umbrella in one hand and a briefcase in the other? What are risks of cancer and does blogging increase or reduce them?
As you see my friends, blogging etiquette largely escapes me. If any of you are more informed, we would like to hear about it.
And thanks for the recipes. The pie crust I already know is delicious and as far as chili goes, you can consider both of us fanatics so they should both soon find their way into our routine cooking.
Well, off to bed. Jon just left to grab a jug of milk from the 7-11 and I have to clean the kitchen before he returns. I told him to wear the head-lamp (it's dark outside, after all, and this is Vancouver). He gave me the look I probably deserved. Maybe the head-lamp suggestion wasn't a well-placed one. After all, if anything, a grown man walking down the street with his camping flashlight slung over his head might attract the kind of attention that would result in beat-downs, don't you think?
- Sima
Question two - my brother-in-law (so weird, saying that!) I noticed, posted twice today. He said he couldn't help it - it was after all, a really exciting day. The pumpkin drop needed to be shared with the rest of the world. Here I find that we've done the very same thing: posted twice in a 24-hour period. Is that okay? Is that too excessive? Will be scare away our readers? More importantly, is it healthy? Will my social skills suffer? Will I start mumbling on buses and break into public song and dance every time I find myself carrying an umbrella in one hand and a briefcase in the other? What are risks of cancer and does blogging increase or reduce them?
As you see my friends, blogging etiquette largely escapes me. If any of you are more informed, we would like to hear about it.
And thanks for the recipes. The pie crust I already know is delicious and as far as chili goes, you can consider both of us fanatics so they should both soon find their way into our routine cooking.
Well, off to bed. Jon just left to grab a jug of milk from the 7-11 and I have to clean the kitchen before he returns. I told him to wear the head-lamp (it's dark outside, after all, and this is Vancouver). He gave me the look I probably deserved. Maybe the head-lamp suggestion wasn't a well-placed one. After all, if anything, a grown man walking down the street with his camping flashlight slung over his head might attract the kind of attention that would result in beat-downs, don't you think?
- Sima
Okay, WOW. I don't know what to say. I have NO idea how your mind thinks Sima, but it is pretty insane. John on the other hand, nice and simple. Like my blog at
I think a interesting experiment would be for Sima to take one of those shots John gave me the other day, and then let Sima write a post. That would be great ;)
Oh. The irony.
Since we have a Vancouver based blog, I thought it would only be appropriate to sum it up with the words of a very deep, profound and highly intellectual Vancouverite:
It is what it is.
Yes. For all those deep questions that have always bothered you, seek the wisdom of he who is Todd Bertuzzi.
But jokes aside, the only rules about blogging are, you can't analyze your blogging, nor base one blog on the entry before (you broke both rules :D but thats ok :D).
In the words of a very short and profound person/thing/little green guy:
You must unlearn what you have learned.
(That doesn't really apply here either, but it sounded like a very deep and meaningful ending :P)
And then again another intellectual Vancouverite said:
"It is what it is, baby" ;)
Yeah, blogs are free-reign, baby! I mean, if there's a woman out there who can write a blog all about her vagina, I'm pretty sure that Jon can link to whatever he wants and make fun of it. In fact, it's almost standard blogger practice!!
Soon enough you'll be doing lame online quizes to discover which Lord of the Ring horse you're most like and posting the results on your blog, just to keep your readers happy... *grin*
Sima, you have just touched on what makes men men and women women. Men tend to be short and to the point. Women on the other hand like things to start slow and sweet then build up to a climax. Case in point: foreplay. Is there really a need for it. It's like 3 days work just to get some. What's wrong with sweet, short and to the point (or in some cases sweet, loooong and to the point?) Nothing I say.
p.s. Gigadee-Gigadee.
p.p.s. I got a question for you: Why are you still here? Pure magic.
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