Wednesday, November 16, 2005

One of those Days

No no - don't worry I'm not going to quote that short stalky guy with the tattoos and the backwards red ball cap. So keep on reading.

So yeah - today was one of those days. One of those days where the skytrain ride does not feel long enough for you to wake up, where your students did not do their readings and hence sit there looking like someone has just stolen their souls while you extol the virtues of studying bureaucracies within the context of comparative politics (i think someone actually fell asleep for a few seconds), and where the stupid bus broke down three times on the way down the mountain.

Luckily for me, I must report that things are not all that terrible at the corner of Oak and 12th. I had "The Decemberists" to keep me entertained on the bus/skytrain and I got to go out for yummy Vietnamese with a beautiful woman.

To top it off there is no snow here - nope.... not one little bit. Except...for Whistler and all the other mountains around. hahahaha. So I can look forward to enjoying the mountains and all the snow while not having to subject myself to -30 weather or the risk of drowning in a wave of a black and grey substance that is also known as "slush" when the OC Transpo drives by.

Eat that Manitoba and the "Ice" Coast.

- Jonathan


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If your HAMANA! HAMANA! classes are as interesting as your posts you better get used to the Consciously Challenged. Take that INTAKE GASKET you left coast bastard!

p.s. if you randomly shout out obsceneties à la Tourettes, people will pay much closer COCKSUCKER attention to what you're saying in class. It's a trick GOD DAMN I've found useful.

p.p.s. I've THAT WASN'T FUNNY anticipated your response about STRAWBERY BANANA SPLIT how un-pc I am. So in response to your response to be: shut it, bitch.

7:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

p.p.p.s. I've noticed that I am in danger of becoming the biggest dick of the blogger world. I am strangely comfortable with this.

7:40 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

LOL, I RARELY laugh at comments, but that was by far the best Isaac. Yelling "cocksucker" during a lecture to gain students attention. Can I join this class?

I vote that whoever posts (either Sima/John) must put their name before/end of their post. Too much guesswork involved in figuring out who wrote what "beautiful women gave away this one tho ;)"

7:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto to the request for blogger id-age.

And, on behalf of those of us who spent way too much time digging our cars out of the 2 feet of snow that fell in two days - screw you, you smug West-Coastians. *grin*

Then again, I get sunshine. Do you? *wink*


7:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alternatively you can do what my 8th grade math teacher did - walk up to the desk of the student passing in and out of consciousness and slam your hands down on the table as hard as possible. If that doesn't wake them up, chances are you just killed them. Eitherways, they're paying attention or they have a damn good reason not to.

And yes, shouting cocksucker in class will gain attention. I'd personally yell out amalgamations of two words though - such as cockmunch, dickwad, penisnose etc. The more unrelated the two words are, the better the response.

7:16 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

2' of snow is fun.. ... if its in the mountains that is. says sun for 1 week straight at least, which is probably the most we'll get this winter. Then its rain rain rain!

9:05 AM  
Blogger CreepingLily said...

Left Coast, Ice coast, both are still colder than balmy and mild Japan. (Which still sucks!) Agree on ID-age, I want to know if I should be thinking "way to go, OVARIES!!", or "don't be such a pussy", you know? It'd save everyone a lot of effort if you just wrote J or S even.

My ass just fell asleep. That seems vaguely wrong, but I can't remember why... As for blogger etiquette, the whole point is that it's YOUR blog. Post whenever the hell you want, whatever the hell you want. It's YOURS. And if someone doesn't like it, they can just suck it. (Or stuff it, as appropriate.)

I need sleep, freaking 17 hour time difference between Japan and the left Coast...

9:12 AM  

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